When going on an unplanned vacation or business trip, many people assume that every traveling document is in order. However, you might find that you have a passport that has expired therefore you will be forced to renew an expired passport fast. The guidelines below, illustrates steps that you can follow to acquire a new one within the shortest time possible.
Expired Passport
The first one is that you can download the application form or visit an embassy office for you to fill it manually. However, before filling the form, you must present your old passport for the process to be faster. You should note that if the previous one has any alterations or is in a bad shape, you might not apply for renewal through mail because you must present yourself for verification.
In addition to this, you should also note if your old passport is really damaged and if it is not easy to see the photo or view its contents. If this is the case,you will have to apply for a new one rather than renewing. Moreover, if you acquired the traveling documents fifteen years ago, it is better to apply for a new one.
When renewing through mail, you should put the forms and the old travel document in an envelope to ensure that the forms are not destroyed. Moreover,the embassy should inform you when they get it and at what time you should expect to get both the old and new back. In addition, ask which form of payment you will use to pay for the process, through either check or credit card.
Even though your old traveling permit has a photo, you will be required to submit two new ones. The photos have to be recent ones. You should go for a photographer who will produce quality images for them not to be rejected. Moreover, ensure that photos are the required size with white background. Remember not to wear spectacles or sunglasses for the photo.
Travel Permit
You can consult services of a traveling agency for them to renew the traveling permit on your behalf. However, you have to be very careful and ensure that you get an agency that is very professional and ethical. Even though, the agencies will fasten the process of acquisition you have to be weary of those that are out to earn quick cash. Therefore, select one that will be of great help in your urgency.
For the process to be swift, you have to pay the required amount of money as stipulated by the embassy office. Ensure that your agent reputable and will process your passport for a reasonable fee. If you are renewing through the mail, you have to cater for the cost of transportation.
It is not hard to renew an expired passport with the points above. However, you should note that if you renew your current one before it expires, the process might be much faster and free from any hassles. Moreover, the fee that you will be willing to pay will determine how fast you will get the renewed travel documents.